Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I need to extend a HUGE thank you this week to Dee over at Deelicious Sweets!!!!!!!   She was so sweet to give me the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers  award this week!  So pop on over, check out her site and her drool worthy posts, and tell her I said hello!
Hmmm, so as part of the award I have to list out 7 things about myself and give the award to my blogging buddies.  Here goes nothing:
1. I’m not a real Southerner. I’ve only lived below the mason-dixon for 9 years and it’s still easy to tell I’m not from around here.
2. I don’t eat red meat or chicken so you won’t see too many recipes for them around here unless Kettle gets the keyboard.
3. Kettle has a severe nut allergy.  Don’t expect too many recipes with nuts either.
4. I’m a huge nerd in ‘real life’ and I try my hardest to minimize it here on the blog, but I apologize if I write to let something ‘incubate” or add in something to “alter the freezing point”. I can’t help it.
5. I like to run in my spare time or when I’m waiting for bread to incubate, er, rise.
6. I park in the same spot everyday at work, otherwise I forget where I’ve parked and can’t find my car.
7. I’m Pot, he’s Kettle. And yes there is a story that goes with it. 🙂
I am passing the award on to these lovely blogs.  Make sure to swing by and check them out!

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