Category Archives: Recap

Week Recap: Lemons!


This week I was in a sour mood, or at least my baking was with all the lemons I used!  The biscotti was highly successful (my boss called it “off the chain”) and the nut-free macarons were a step in the right direction.  Thank you again for all of your comments and helpful ideas!  I really appreciate them and I can’t wait to get back to optimizing my nut-free macarons!

Ready to make friends with a cup of tea.

Notable points from the week:

What I’m reading: Gumbo Tales by Sara Roahen.

What I’m thinking about: Adult beverage time (its been one of those weeks)

What I’m excited for: Sunshine!  It’s back.

Teaser for This week’s posts: Put me in coach.  I’m ready to play!

Happy Sunday!

Week Recap: Sorbet


This week I was inspired by fresh fruit, the start of spring, and the return of warm weather.  I tried my hand at sorbet and was surprised at how easy it really is!  Good heavens.  Pureed, sweeten, and freeze.  This is almost too easy.  I wonder if its healthy to live off sorbet alone.  I am also really excited about how easy it is because it allows me to control the sugar content and eliminate the ‘other’ content of commercially produced options.  And plus Miss Mini Sous Chef gobbles it up.  She even picked it over ice cream the other night. I don’t dare tell her that its not that bad for her.

Thanks again for all the lovely comments this week.  I did have one or two questions, including a great one from Alchemy about what I’ve named my pineapple-mint vodka drink.  Kettle and I bantered back and forth a few times and it just got a little silly (I think when I offered up “Don Hoe with a stick of gum” and “Sponge Bob Mojito” I knew we would never come up with anything).  So if anyone has any good ideas about naming options, I will totally consider them and give you a shout out!

Notable points from the week:

What I’m reading: Gumbo Tales by Sara Roahen.

What I’m thinking about: The French Macaron

What I’m excited for: The rain to stop before next weekend.

Teaser for This week’s posts: When life gives you lemons…



Week Recap: Bread

So I kind of got into a bread phase last week and ended making a progression of bread types.  I started with pretty standard recipes just to get my feet under me, but now feel like I am ready to explore and get a little more creative!  Thanks everyone for your comments and encouragement!  It’s always nice to get feedback and I really do appreciate it!


Notable points from the week:

What I’m reading: Gumbo Tales by Sara Roahen.

What I’m thinking about: Recipe ideas for Spring fruits and veggies!

What I’m excited for: Grilling Season!

Teaser for This week’s posts: In the words of my fellow ATLers, the immortal Outkast,

“What’s cooler than being cool?  Ice cold.”